This article is for merchants who have received their onboarding email from Target.
App Install / Target Reports / FAQs
Next Steps:
You are now ready to begin installing the Shopify Marketplace Connect app:
This is the process we will follow:
- Check if the barcodes are visible on your products in your Shopify catalog
- Select 1 product as a test product
- Fill in all the required attributes
- Enable the product
- Wait for Target to approve once the status is set to Active (up to 24hrs)
- Once approved click on the "Launch Store" button to sync the inventory to Target
- Set all to list
Generate API Token and SMS ID:
SMS ID can be found in the portal under Business Info > Basic Info
The Token is generated under Partner Settings > API > Tokens > Pencil Icon.
Click the pencil icon to open the Edit API Tokens modal and click Generate New Token. This opens a side bar on the right where the seller can name the token, and click Generate Token. The token must be saved by the seller and sent to Shopify. It cannot be retrieved by Target. If the token is lost, seller can delete the previous token and generate a new one.
Make sure you use the COPY button to copy the full token, using ctrl+c will sometimes copy partial token id.
App installation:
From your Shopify Home page select Apps > Search Marketplace Connect > Install
From the Overview Page select Connect Marketplace at the top right hand corner
Connect Target Plus and enter your newly generated credentials, API Token and SMS ID
Target Reports:
You can now download your Item report, detailing Item Types and your Attribute report from Target, which will be used as a guide when configuring your catalog and help guide you through mapping and data input.
Contract/Readiness Date:
Date contract signed with Channel Partner: Today's date
Do you have an existing relationship with Channel Partner: Yes
Channel Partner readiness date: Todays date + 25 days
Ultimately the readiness date is up to the merchants engagement with the channel configuration, Target is looking for a commitment to onboard as soon as possible.
Target provide no way to mark an order as shipped without a valid carrier/tracking number combination. Here are the recognised carriers for Target Plus
*Economy shipping methods (with the *) are approved but do not meet contractual ship timing guidelines (five-day time in transit). Partners using these methods are responsible for adhering to Target’s operational performance expectations. Late deliveries will count towards your Order Defect Rate.
If your shipping settings are on a reduced time-in-transit, your time-in-transit will be controlled by Target+ and an increase in Late% as a result will not be penalized. Your time-in-transit will be based on your actual shipping speeds observed over time but will not be greater than 5 days. You can view your current transit time on the Portal in Business Info: Shipping Details.
Partners may receive orders to PO boxes, and Target fully expects Partners to fulfill these orders. If a Partner is unable to fulfill, you can initiate a cancellation from your direct integration or third-party Channel Partner. A cancellation will count towards your Order Defect Rate.
Barcodes in Shopify:
Please ensure your barcodes do not contain any dashes
61-396-1548 ✘ 613961548 ✔︎
When selecting Category, please ensure you hit SAVE before selecting additional information to allow the category to load the required item specific to that category (this will only load once changes have been saved first).
FAQs: Back To Top
I live in Canada can I still apply?
The Target business must be registered in the US and you are able to provide a W9 tax form.
If you do live outside of the US, the Target+ connection will not show on the Connection screen in the app. Please reach out to support to have this added to your account.
How long does it take to get approved with Target Plus?
You will need to refer to Target directly as we are not involved in this part of the process.
Do I need to sign a contract with Shopify?
No, this is not required, you can install Marketplace Connect when you are ready to do so (this was a requirement for previous integrators but not Shopify)
I'm already a Target Plus user, can I import my existing listings?
If you are importing existing listings please refer to this article
Does Target need to approve my collection first before I launch?
Yes, Target will confirm your products that you are able to list via Marketplace Connect.
Can I upload a file to enter my listing details?
The app does not support file upload, all data is entered manually on the listing tab. Shopify does have apps that support the upload process.
I'm using Acenda or another integrator, can I test MCA before I leave my old one?
Target have confirmed that separate API keys do not isolate apps accessing the data and merchants should manage a careful cutover with their previous app
What is API Token?
This refers to the sellers integration authentication
Can I process my refund in Marketplace Connect?
Refunds need to be processed in Shopify. These are not yet automated from the app.
How do I set a "sale price" or a 'discount' on Target Plus?
Sale prices should be done directly with Target, this is not an action that can be performed by our app.
We do have the option to discount via the app, in the offer pricing, if the list price is different from the offer price then Target will show it as strike through pricing.
Only one image is shown for my VC (variation child) product
Shopify flow of VC images works differently to Target. Target have multiple VC images and one VAP image, whilst Shopify add multiple VAP images but only one VC.
Duplication of barcodes
Changing/releasing of barcodes needs to be referred back to Target to process. Target are reviewing this.
Number of characters allowed in Titles
Title should be 21 to 100 characters but not more than 150 characters.
Changing Tracking details once submitted
Sellers can alter their tracking details in Shopify and the Marketplace Connect will pick this up and resubmit the fulfilment to Target. It will occur only under the following scenarios:
1. The initial carrier/tracking entered by the seller was submitted to Target and rejected
2. The tracking and/or carrier on the order fulfilment is changed by the seller in Shopify within 7 days.
Package Dimensions
Please ensure you include correct package dimensions as this will interfere with shipping calculations
Shipping Exclusions
This can be done via the listing tab, select Category, Mapping Tab, select Item Specifics and scroll down to Shipping exclusions:
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Please reach out to the support team to organise an onboarding call to walk through next steps.
Either by in-app chat (Need Help? at the bottom right of your screen in the app)
Or email